Feasibility study for a sports and leisure center in St. Moritz 02/2008


  • urban study
  • Advanced design and construction

The Sankt Moritz lake is almost the geographic center of St. Moritz. The lake is remarkable for this place , alone between the mountains. That makes this to a special place over the other mountain resorts.

The planners of the place recognized already early this feature and designed the main building with an orientation toward the lake .

Feasibility study for a sports and leisure center in St. Moritz


The location Ludains located almost next to the lake. Currently there is a skating rink with barack -like enclosure available. This place is ideal to build a sports- and a culture centre.

A two floor hall will include ice station and a swim station. The spa area is at the bottom of the upstream lake. The system finds its architectural end in a concert and cultural center .

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